Chemical Process
Our company has taken the necessary precautions and does not produce any industrial waste, and carries out chemical processes in areas designated for these. It has also taken savings measures in terms of energy consumption.

Clean Nature, Protecting Our Natural Resources
The aim of sustainable production can be said to be clean nature, protecting our natural resources, low cost, high efficiency, in short, production using more reliable and healthy processes and systems for society and the environment.

General Principle of Sustainable Production
The general principle of sustainable production; While trying to prevent all kinds of waste generation during the production phase, it also aims to increase the efficiency of resources, prevent environmental degradation, improve the quality of the product and promote sustainable structure.

We want to be your eyes to evaluate our contribution to our planet. This is why our production processes are transparent. We regularly invite clients and environmental organizations to visit our production sites. Our new galvanic plant has glass walls, in order to allow anybody to look inside and evaluate our efforts.

If a product lasts longer, less resources will be used to make a new one. Each day we work to produce higher quality articles that withstand the force of time and wear. We created a laboratory to simulate the conditions our products will endure in their life cycle. We make internationally recognized tests for mechanical strenght, wear, dry and domestic cleaning, heat and humidity, salt water resistance, China test (corrosive gas resistance) and many others. This because we believe that selling few products, but of excellent quality, should be one of the key values of a sustainable company.